CIIMHANS has been visionary in the concept of service to mankind with its various initiatives. Providing de-addiction and rehabilitation to patients suffering from alcohol use disorder (alcohol dependence/ alcoholism) and nicotine addiction is another such initiative. The only private trust hospital that has an indoor and outdoor facility to deal with such cases. The aim is to provide solace to the patient and family members in terms of physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual health.
Alcohol and nicotine are one of the worst chemicals that cause many serious and terminal illnesses. One such disease associated with their use is addiction. It is known since last 80 years that addiction is a chronic and progressive illness; the concept has been endorsed by World Health Organisation.
The focus of the Department of Mental Health Education is to prepare students, health care professionals, caregivers, and the community at large to promote health in individual and group settings, and among diverse populations using culturally appropriate health education methodologies. Its goal is to facilitate voluntary health-related behavioural and social change through the application of principles of behavioural and social sciences. The Department provides intensive specialised training in the development of strategies ranging from an individual to systemic level that can assist individuals, communities, and societies in adopting and maintaining healthy lifestyles. Over the years, we have trained a substantial number of young people in the community, to identify a person with mental illness, help them access mental health care and implement simple psychosocial interventions.